Weekly Article - 7/3/15

Golden Valley Christian Church


            There is not one place in the New Testament that describes what Jesus looked like.  Artists have painted their version of His looks.  One artist depicted Jesus with blue eyes, which, in all probability, is not true when we look at the nationality of His mother. What God wants us to do is to concentrate on Jesus' message, not His looks.  By not actually knowing what Jesus looked like, each one of us can put ourselves in His image without regard to nationality.

            Sunday was a beautiful day, both weather-wise and in our church services.  Alyssa Tucker gave an informative account of her stay at church camp; it was obviously a fun and learning time for Alyssa.  The children sang "I Saw the Light," a song they learned in Vacation Bible School last weekend.  It is always joy to hear our youngsters in praise of the Lord.  Sunday night, all the children, their parents, and the helpers gathered for hamburgers, hot dogs, and more, celebrating the last night of VBS.  The parents then attended each of the sessions with the children (recreation, crafts, and Bible lesson).

            "What Do They Learn?" was the title of Bro. Tim's message.  This message was in conjunction with VBS, but pertained to all of us.  There are three important things that we learn in Sunday School, VBS, Church Camp, etc.:  How to 1) Love, 2) Listen, and 3) Live.  We learn God loves all, even those who do not know Him, and that He wants us to love all, in return.  We learn to be "quick to listen, slow to speak. . ." (James 1:19).  Although we retain more through sight, it is essential to listen and understand what God wants of us.  By doing this, we learn how to live.  God loves us, but He wants us to change for the better.  We should not leave our faith at the church; instead, we are to share our faith with others.

            The Bible challenge question is:  "Where had the Ethiopian eunuch been when he met Phillip?'"  (Acts 8:27-28)

            The Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton.  Our Sunday Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM, and morning worship is at 10:30 AM.  Our full-time minister is Bro. Tim Randall (office phone #660-890-0252), and our website is www.goldenvalleycc.org.  We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.

            Thought for the week:  "The best way for people to see God's love is through you." -- Copied