Weekly Article - 6/28/19

Golden Valley Christian Church


            We are now officially in the summer season and, hopefully, the severe weather of spring is settling down.  A known fact is that the U.S. has more tornadoes than any other country.  All fifty states have recorded tornadoes, with Alaska recording only two.  The lowest temperature recorded on earth was -128 degrees F, at Vostok, Antarctica, in July 1983.  The hottest temperature recorded was at Death Valley, California, at 134 degrees F, in July 1913.  So, when it gets hot this summer, or cold next winter, remember how good we have it here in Clinton.  The Bible tells about weather, also (Job 37:9-14).


            GVCC was active with children and VBS leaders this week, Sunday through Wednesday evenings, as the children learned Biblical principles based on the story of Nehemiah, incorporating a sports theme.  We thank Melynne Jones for planning and directing this event, which could not have been so successful without the help of many other faithful adults, who deserve sincere thanks as well.


            Brother Tim continued his messages on drawing closer to God, from James chapter four.  He pointed out that God’s principles always come with God’s promises.  We are to resist the Devil, and he will flee from us.  We are to draw near to God, and He will draw near to us.  James also points out our need to be humble, because pride gets in our way of being closer to God.  We are always to love our brothers and sisters in Christ the same way we love God.


            The Bible challenge question:  Who changed Hosea’s name to Joshua? (Numbers 13:16)


            Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton.  Sunday Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM; morning worship is at 10:30.  Our minister is Tim Randall (office phone #660-890-0252), and our website iswww.goldenvalleycc.org.  We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.