Golden Valley Christian Church
There is a story told about three bullies who were confronting a little guy. However, this little guy was extremely bright. He drew a line in the dirt and taunted the bigger bully to step across the line, which the bully did. "Now," said the little guy, grinning, "we're both on the same side." If we keep God on our side, we can face anything the world throws at us, including bullies.
In our morning worship, Georgia Randall sang a beautiful solo, accompanied by Jacob Lamb on the flute, and Marla Jones on the piano. God has blessed the Golden Valley Christian Church with this wonderful musical talent among its members. After the worship service, we celebrated the Valentine weekend with a carry-in meal that was enjoyed by all. The tables were all beautifully decorated, and the meal was delicious. Mary Tuggle read some special love thoughts, and Bro. Tim and Georgia delighted us all with their own Valentine stories. Thanks go to Jo Ann Snider and her helpers.
Bro. Tim's morning message, continuing with "The Story," focused on the fall of the Southern Kingdom, Judah. The Northern Kingdom of Israel had fallen to the Assyrians. Judah's few good kings delayed the fall of Judah, but the continuation of sin and idol worship finally tried God's patience. He allowed the people to be captured by the Babylonians. God is very patient, but even His patience wears out with continuing sin. This is a lesson well worth learning.
The Bible challenge question is: "Which two wives of David did the Amalekites capture?'" (I Samuel 30:5)
The Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton. Our Sunday Bible classes begin at 9:30 AM, and morning worship is at 10:30 AM. Our full-time minister is Bro. Tim Randall (office phone #660-890-0252), and our website is We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.
Thought for the week: "You need to be a grateful receiver, as well as a grateful giver.'" -- Copied